Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Orthographic Drawing-Alphabet Of Lines

Week 2 Journal

Monday- We started on a orthographic drawing, called 'Locator Design'. This was to be drawn in auto cad , incorporating many different views. We are to use the tool bars and not use commands.

Tuesday- We continued on the same drawing as Monday.I came close to completing it.

Wednesday- Continued the same drawing as monday and tuesday.

Thursday- Continued the same drawing all week , in auto cad.

Friday- Finished up the same drawing we've been working on all week and took and posted a few auto cad quizzes. 

Exercise 2 AutoCad

We had to complete this exercise using Auto Cad. We got shown the drawing a few dimensions and had to determine the other ones. We used tan tan radius, offset and also normal auto cad skills like trim etc.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Exercise 1 AutoCad

This is a drawing that was completed in auto cad, we were given some information and a picture format to follow on moodle. This is the final product that was completed, we used offset trim and the circle tool to complete this precisely.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week 1 Journal

Monday - We worked on google sketch up. Completed our house and posted it on our blog. We also had a class discussion about Auto Cad for a bit.

Tuesday- We had a class discussion about orthographic drawings, we took a note and posted it on our blog.

Wednesday- I was ill .

Thursday- I caught up on some work that i missed on Wednesday and successfully completed it and posted it on my blog. We than moved on to completing a more complicated orthographic drawing

Friday- We completed our orthographic drawing that we started Thursday.  We were given the picture and some information from moodle and were to complete it. We than proceeded to the next orthographic drawing, a little more difficult.

Trim and Offset Exercise

This was a drawing that we were to complete using auto cad, this drawing helped us with offset and trim. We are still learning the basics of auto cad in order to complete more complicated tasks.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Orthographic Drawing- Note

This note can be found in documents, or can be accessed on moodle under the 3rd section, its named 'Orthographic Drawing' Or can be also accessed from the link provided below .


Monday, February 14, 2011

Sketch Up House

 For this project we had to use google sketup and design and create a house. This is what i completed, no objects were imported.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Auto Cad Box Illusing

This was a auto cad exercise to continue to help us get use to the program, we had to use some new concepts, such as; offset, trim etc.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

AUTO CAD ( Car & Airplane )

We were given a sheet with coordinates and were expected to enter the coordinates using autocad to eventually come up with the following models shown. This is one of our beginning exercises to get use to the program .