Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Final Evaluation Journal 3

Monday- Absent

Tuesday- Found out how to complete the animation , played around with it a bit. Never got to completely finish it .

Wednesday- Attempted but could not complete my full animation for my house, envisioner mis functioned and decided to delete my furniture.

Thursday- We got told to go on photoshop and complete a brochure on our house. I began to work on this, got my title page done. Few more pages need to be completed

Friday- Finished up my brochure and made sure that everything was posted and up to date. Prepared for our blog to be marked on monday !

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Project Proposal

Project Proposal- Dream House

My rooms were placed the way they were for a reason, there is more to designing a house than just throwing some rooms together. I placed the kitchen and dining room near the den or family room because that is where most of the time is spent in the mornings and evenings, during breakfast and dinner. I also placed my storage room near utilities off to the side over by the garage, as it could be considered a dirty part of the house and should not be seen at most times. I also placed the porch near the kitchen and dining room, and included a walkout door for those dinners outside in the nice warm weather.

This house is placed near the most attracted areas, surrounded by grocery stores and great scenery. All that is needed to complete this almost complete living environment is a few generous individuals. 

Final Evaluation Journal 2

Monday- I finished off the landscaping part of my house. I inserted trees, and shrubs and gardens. I also finished of the deck and porch and added a few small accessories.

Tuesday- Started gathering the information for the house we designed to place it on our blog and have it marked.

Wednesday- Completed our different images and placed them in title blogs, continuing to prepare for marking.

Thursday-Completely finished my house , with all my information posted on my blog. All that's left to do is the animation.

Friday- I began to review for exams , we gathered together as a class and were showed what we could use to possibly study. I began doing the quizzes

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Final Evaluation Journal 1

Wednesday- Worked on my house , inserted furniture and some appliances .
Thursday- Worked on my house
Friday- Continued to work on my house , put the roof on it and continued to add other things.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Rhino Screw Driver

This is a screwdriver that we completed on rhino. We had a handout and were to follow the tutorial to complete this model .  This model involved me getting quite a bit of help. We used Poly lines than curves, we than also revolved it, resulting in us achieving the general shape. The following commands were than used to complete the resulting end shape of the screwdriver; single line, dir and possible flip command. The most used tool for this resulting shape would have to be the booleandifference command. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rhino Warmup

We got placed in a group and were to have them explain the basics of rhino, than completed this together . 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chapter 12,Quiz 6

Your Results:

The correct answer for each question is indicated by a This is the correct answer..

The easiest way to create fasteners on a bolt circle in AutoCAD LT® is to

A)create each fastener individually.

B)create one fastener and copy it to the other locations.

C)create one fastener and use a rectangular array to place the others.
This is the correct answer.
D)create one fastener and use a polar array to place the others.

When you create a rectangular array, the Array dialog box allows you to specify all of the following except

A)the amount of space between rows and columns.
This is the correct answer.
B)the size of each object in the array.

C)the number of rows.

D)the number of columns.

When you create a polar array, you can place the center point of the array by all of the following means except
This is the correct answer.
A)entering relative coordinates.

B)entering X and Y coordinates.

C)picking an arbitrary point anywhere in the drawing area.

D)using object snaps.

The total number of objects in an array consisting of six rows and four columns is

This is the correct answer.



The TOLERANCE command is used to apply

A)basic tolerances.

B)deviation tolerances.

C)limits tolerances.
This is the correct answer.
D)feature control frames and datum references.

When you pick the Sym box in the Geometric Tolerance dialog box, the

A)diameter symbol (Ø) appears.
This is the correct answer.
B)Symbol dialog box appears.

C)Datum dialog box appears.

D)radius symbol (R) appears.

The TOLERANCE command allows you to create multiple tolerances, up to a maximum of
This is the correct answer.




In the Material Condition dialog box, the blank box at the right end allows you to

A)specify a nonstandard material condition.

B)open a new dialog box with additional material condition options.
This is the correct answer.
C)remove an existing material condition from the feature control frame.

D)create a custom material condition symbol.

The Height box in the Geometric Tolerance dialog box

A)specifies the height of each tolerance in the feature control frame.

B)specifies the height of the entire feature control frame.

C)creates a primary datum references.
This is the correct answer.
D)creates a projected tolerance zone value.

The Projected Tolerance Zone box in the Geometric Tolerance dialog box
This is the correct answer.
A)inserts a projected tolerance zone symbol.

B)opens a dialog box allowing you to select a projected tolerance zone.

C)creates a projected tolerance zone value.

D)inserts a datum identifier.